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Ashfaag, Dhona and Thoriq impressed me: Eric
19 April 2006

Eric Williams: Not very happy about his first experience as a coach
in Maldives


MS: During your stay in Maldives, how do you describe Maldives and Maldivians?

ERIC: Most beautiful place in the world I have seen…. Very respective people and they seems to be very positive and very different from Indonesian.


MS: What's the prospect of Maldivian football?

ERIC: It could be better, need to improve the standard of every club… to make fair competitions and make all the clubs equal and all the clubs have to be strong. Because there is only few clubs with quality players.


MS: In your opinion what needs to be changed or improved in Maldivian football?

ERIC: All the clubs need to have an even foundation. There should be equal players from the under 23 squad. So therefore 17 player minus 2 keeper and 15 should be better and quality ones. Need to create an under 21 league, it's really important


MS: What's your future plan? Will you come back Maldives if a club offers you a chance as their coach?

ERIC: Yeah. I am happy with Valencia . I told the club try to bring good players rather than wasting money for a foreign coach. And the management didn't do anything for that. I came here not only for the money but, to enjoy with the players and make them more professional.

It's a good potential lot of youth development going on,….


MS: Is there any player or players in Maldives that you think has the standard to perform well in abroad?

ERIC: Ashfaaq, Dhona and Thoriq…. impressed me. They have the speed and the talent and very energetic….they are outstanding….


MS: What's the best thing to do to get them that chance?

ERIC: First of all we have to change their mind to play abroad and to be a professional player. But we don't have to remove all of them from local league. Because there won't to be much magic and level would may go down in the local league…


MS: Are you disappointed of your first experience in Maldives ?

ERIC: Yeah disappointed. coz I came here to gain something.. I want to have two training sessions daily but the attendance from the players was not enough for me…


MS: What do you think of Valencia management?

ERIC: Nice people but they have to be more active and they have to communicate more with the players… the squad is not balance….

There won't be a team manager for the club, who should play a vital role with the players…


MS: Finally, is there anything you would like to tell Valencia players and their supporters?

ERIC: Yeah, I have enjoyed with the players. There is no much time for the players. Coz they have gain the contract fee before the tournament… and I hope for their success and try to work hard for that….

Akram would be the most promising player in the squad but, has to work hard…


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