Dhiraagu Dhivehi League National Stadium 19 Sep 2012 |
Match ends...
Corner kick to New Radinat, Ashfaq to take the corner kick.
GOAL! Ashfaq scores... Naavy gave a good ball to Ashfaq and his shot went straight to the goal.
Ivan made a good shot inside the box but it went over the bar.
Ashfaq penetrated the defense line and made a good shot on target but keeper saves the ball.
Another missed chance from Eagles, Shinaz's shot inside the box hits the post.
Ali Umar made a good shot just out side the box but it went wide. Goal kick to Eagles.
Rilwan made another good shot from the corner kick but it was deflected for a corner.
Assad made a good shot on target from a free kick but keeper Imran saves the ball. Corner kick to Eagles.
Corner kick to New Radiant, Ivan to take the corner kick.
GOAL! Fazeel breaks the deadlokc. Ali Umar gave a good ball to Fazeel and his shot went straight to the goal.
Second half underway...
First half ends...
Rilwan supplied a good ball into the box and Shinaz made a good shot on target from that but keeper Imran saves the ball.
Rilwan penetrated the defense line and made a good shot on target but keeper saves the ball.
Corner kick to New Radiant, Ivan to take the corner kick.
Another missed chance from New Radinat, Fazeel's shot just out side the box went wide. Goal kick to Eagles.
Corner kick to New Radiant, Shinaz cleared it for another corner.
Ali Umar gave a good ball to Ashfaq but his shot inside the box went wide. Goal kick to Eagles.
Arif made a good shot from the corner kick but hits the post.
Mukhuthar made a good shot inside the box but it was deflected for a corner.
Go Maldivesoccer Go!
Thoriq gave a good ball to Ashfaq and he made a shot but his shot was deflected for a corner.
Fazeel made a good shot inside the box but keeper Yamaan cleared it for a corner kick.
Free kick to New Radiant, Ivan's free kick went straight to the keeper. Yamaan cleared the ball.
New Radiant kick off the game.
New radiant 3-0 eagles
Would be good if eagles beat new radiant for the second time in this season. Hooooorayyy
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New Radiant's Kingsley and Mohamed Hussain was suspended for this game.
Eagles beat New Radiant in the FA Cup quarter final by 1-0 and can they repeat that today.
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the Dhiraagu Dhivehi League match between New Radiant and Eagles.