Dhivehi Premier League National Football Stadium 04 May 2016 |
Match ends...
Rafael's free kick goes over the bar.
Free kick to United Victory on the edge of New Radiant's penalty area.
Rafael fouls on Hamza in the defending half, free kick to New Radiant
GOAL... Velichov scores from the penalty spot. keeper blocked his first attempt but scores from the rebounded ball.
Fairooz fouls on Hamza inside the box and referee awarded a penalty to New Radiant
United Victory players cleared the ball from the danger zone
Corner kick to New Radiant, Hamza to take the corner kick
Corner kick to New Radiant, Hamza to take the corner kick
Second half underway....
First half ends..
Navaau's shot just tout side the box goes wide. Goal kick to New Radiant
Four minutes of added time
Rafael fouls on Hamza in the defending half, free kick to New Radiant
Corner kick to United Victory, Rafael to take the corner kick
Keric's shot inside the box goes straight to the keeper
United Victory players cleared the free kick from the danger zone.
Free kick to New Radiant on the edge of United Victory's penalty area.
Shadhin's shot inside the box goes wide again. Goal kick to United Victory.
Keric cleared the corner kick for another corner.
Corner kick to New Radiant, Hamza to take the corner kick
Izzath's shot inside the box goes inches over the bar. What a miss chance to break the deadlock
Rafael's shot inside the box goes straight to the keeper. Easy ball for the keeper
Nuhaadh fouls on Naavy in the defending half, free kick to United Victory
Shadhin's shot inside the box was too long... Goal kick to United Victory
Free kick to New Radiant in the defending half.
KICK OFF, United Victory kicks off the game...
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the match between New Radiant and United Victory in Ooredoo Dhivehi Premier League