Dhivehi Premier League National Football Stadium 18 May 2016 |
Match ends...
Corner kick to TC Sports, Fasir to take the corner kick
Two minutes of added time
Shimaz missed one of the best chance to take the lead so far in the game. He was unmarked inside the box and shot it into the gloves of the keeper.
COrner kick to TC Sports
Keric gave a good ball to Rafael but the flag was up against him
Ziaan missed another good chance to take the lead. His shot inside the box goes wide.
Azzam's shot inside the box goes straight to the keeper.
Corner kick to United Victory,
Keric's shot inside the box goes over the bar. What a miss chance from United Victory to take the lead.
Shafraz's header inside the box goes wide. Another miss chance from United Victory
Fasir's free kick was blocked by keeper. Superb save
Fasir's shot inside the box was blocked by United Victory's defender Dorde. He was receiving treatment on the field
Second half underway..
First half ends...
Fasir's free kick goes over the bar, Goal kick to United Victory
Free kick to TC Sports on the edge of United Victory's penalty area.
GOAL... Rafael scores and levels the game from the spot.
Referee awards a penalty to United Victory for a hand ball from Ahmed Abdulla
Fasir's shot inside the box was blocked by keeper Youssef.
Keric's header inside the box was cleared for a corner
Fasir supplied a good ball into the box but United Victory players cleared the ball
Heavy rain hits the stadium...
Naiz's shot just out side the box goes straight to the keeper.
GOAL.. Fasir scores from the spot...
Keeper fouls on Fasir inside the box and referee awarded a penalty kick to TC Sports in the first minute
KICK OFF, Nafiu and Azzam kicks off the game for TC Sports
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the match between TC Sports and United Victory in Ooredoo Dhivehi Premier League.