AFC Cup 2016 National stadium 16 Mar 2016 |
Match ends
Three minutes of added time
Easa's shot inside the box was blocked by keeper. Another good save from the keeper
Anther miss chance from South China. Chan's shot inside the box goes wide
Corner kick to Maziya, Samdhooh to take the corner kick
GOAL... An own goal from Cheung Fung tries to clear the cross from Imaz but it goes into the net.
Hussain Niyaz comes in for Ahmed Rasheed
Corner kick to Maziya, Easa to take the corner kick
GOAL... Ahmed Rasheed levels the game from a shot inside the box. South China players tried to clear it but it goes into the net
Second half underway
Can Maziy came from behind to get three points in the next 45 minutes.
First half ends
Corner kick to Maziya, Easa to take the corner kick
Easa's free kick was blocked by keeper. What a save from the keeper. Corner kick to Maziya
Free kick to Maziy on the edge of South China's penalty area.
GOAL.... Philip Chan's shot inside the box goes straight to the goal. Imaz tries to clear the ball but it goes into the roof of the net.
Corner kick to South China, Cheung to take the corner kick
Free kick to South China on the edge of Maziya penalty area for a foul committed by Ashad
Nashid' powerless shot inside the box goes straight to the gloves of the keeper. One of the best open chance so far in the game.
Ryan missed another good change, his shot inside the box goes wide. Goal kick to Maziya
Corner kick to South China. Chasing to take the corner kick.
South China players cleared the ball from the danger zone
Free kick to Maziya in the attacking half. Easa to take the free kick
Imran made a good save to stop the shot from Ryan.
Bojan's free kick goes over the bar. Goal kick to Maziya
Ashad fouls on South China player on the edge of Maziy penalty area. Free kick to South China
Ahmed Rasheed missed a golden opportunity inside the box. He fails to control it.
Kick Off: South China kicks off the game
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the AFC Cup group G match between Maziya and South China.