Charity Shield National Football Stadium 05 Apr 2016 |
Match ends...
Free kick to New Radiant in the attacking half. Keeper Imran saves the ball
Asadhulla's shot inside the box goes over the bar.
Two minutes of added time
Asadhulla's shot one the edge of the penalty area goes over the bar.
Niyaz supplied a good ball into the box but New Radiant keeper saves the ball
Umair is injured and receiving treatment on the field.
Second half begins.
First half of the extra time ends with a 1-0 lead to Maziya
One minute of added time...
Niyaz's shot inside the box hits the post and Maziya players cleared the ball from the danger zone..
Hamza's shot just out side the box goes wide. Goal kick to Maziya
GOAL... Asadhulla scores... Umair supplied a good ball into the box and Asadhulla controls the ball and beat the keeper before put it into an empty net.
Niyaz's shot just out side the box goes over the bar. Goal kick to Maziya
First half of extra time begins...
Irufan cleared the ball from the danger zone..
Free kick to New Radiant, Rilwan to take the free kick in the attacking half
Three minutes of added time...
Irufan's shot inside the box was blocked by keeper.
Haneef's shot just out side the box goes straight to the gloves of the keeper Imran
Free kick to New Radiant near Maziya's penalty area. Lammaan to take the free kick
Amdhan's header inside the box went wide. What a miss chance..
Corner kick to Maziya, Nashid to take the corner kick
Faruhad fouls on Imaz in the defending half, free kick to Maziya. Samdhooh to take the free kick
Easa's shot inside the box was blocked by Nuhaad. Another good attempt from Maziya
Irufan's shot just out side the box goes over the bar. Goal kick to New Radiant
Irufan gave a good ball to Nashid but it was too long for him.
Hamza's header inside the box goes straight at keeper imran
Rilwan's shot from outside the box saved by imran, hamaz's effort from the rebound blocked by a defender
Hazma's shot from outside the box goes wide
First half ends with a goalless draw...
Two minutes of added time...
Nashid fouls in the attacking half and referee awards a free kick to New Radiant
Samdhooh got injured and receiving treatment on the side lines
Asadhulla's shot inside the box went wide.
Easa fouls on Niyaz in the defending half, free kick to New Radiant
Asadhulla's shot inside the box goes wide from a good cross from Nashid from the right flank.
Corner kick to New Radiant, Imaz cleared the cross from Nuhad.
Free kick to New Radiant in the attacking half, Rilwan to take the free kick
Nashid's left footed shot hits the post and New Radiant players cleared the ball for a corner kick
KICK OFF... Maziya kicks off the game...
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the Charity Shield match between New Radiant and Maziya.