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VB Sports Club
Maaziya S R C
Wataniya Dhivehi League
National Stadium
12 Jun 2009

Match ends

90'Channa takes the corner kick and Sham netted the ball. but assistant referee said it was a foul. 

90' Free kick to VB, Ashfaq tajes the free kick but Niyaz cleared the ball.

90' Extra four minutes gives

85' Abu fouls on Niyaz, Free kick to Maziya

81' Substitution for Maziya: Shaam comes in for Rasheed

79' Substitution for Maziya: Afrah comes in for Furugan

74' Mohamed Hussain makes a good long range shot outside the penalty area, but its too wide.

73' Fazikko gives a good ball to Ali Umar but he was offside.

68' Ali Umar gives a good ball to Ashfaq but his bicycle kick goeas over the cross bar. 

62' Abu gives a good ball to unmarked Niyaz but his shot goes over the cross bar. He missed the chance to get the lead for the first time. 

61' Corner kick to Maziya, Ashfan cleared Channa's corner kick. 

57' GOAL! Mohamed Hussain scores from an easy ball. he scored the goal when Maziya players tried to clear the ball.

56' Substitution for VB: Adam Fazeeh comes in for Sufiyaan

48' Free kick to Maziya on the edge of VB's penalty area, Channa takes the free kick but the ball was blocked by the VB players.

Second half kick off by VB.

Substitution for VB: Ali Umar comes in for Shaffaz

First half ends... 

45' Extra 2 minutes

42' Niyaz makes a good shot on target outside the penalty area. Keeper Athif saves the ball. 

37' Firaz fouls on Channa on the edge of the penalty area. Firaz cautioned for the challenge.

29' Maziya missed another great chance. Rasheed beats two defenders and pass it to Channa, he gave it to Abdulla to make a shot but it hits the cross bar.

24' GOAL! Abdulla Ibrahim breaks the beadlock from a corner. Channa takes the corner kick and Nazmeen makes a shot on target but Abdulla Ibrahim netted it from the reflected ball.

22' Ashfaq beats two defenders and makes a shoot but keeper saves the ball. Powerless Shot on goal.

17' Abu gives another descent ball to Niyaz but his shot on goal was too slow. Keeper saves the ball.

15' Ashfaq gives a good ball to Mohamed Hussain but keeper saves the ball.

10' Mohamed Hussain missed the best opportunity to break the deadlock. Sufiyan gives the ball to Oittey inside the six yard box but it goes over the cross bar. 

6' Niyaz makes first shot of the game but keeper Athif saves the ball

4' Channa gives a good ball to Rasheed, but he was offside.

2' Corner kick to Maziya, Ashfan defends the ball while Rasheed tries to beat him. Shaffaz cleared the ball.

Match kick off by Maziya.

VB's Nafiu suspended for this game.

Both teams warming up for the match...