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Victory S.C
New Radiant
Dhiraagu Dhivehi League 2010
National Stadium
28 May 2010

90'+3' Match ends

90' Additional time 3 minutes!

88' Shafiu's shot inside the box saved by keeper Sadun

86' GOAL! Fazeel scores from one shot inside the box,

85' Wright beated three players and shot inside the box, free shot goes out near the post

77' Shiyam injured on the pitch, he is now recieving first aid

66' Shiyam's free shot inside the box from Wright's cross goes wide to goal. Goal kick for Victory

64' GOAL! Wright shots on one tocuh to the net from the cross recieved inside the box.

60' Niyaz headed Adhuma's cross inside the box, ball goes out!

55' Ahmed Mohamed clears Fazeel's cross to the box.

53' Referee stops the game as Shinaz injured on the pitch

45' Second half of the game kicked off by New Radiant..Izzath and Wright kicked off

45'+2' First half ends

45' Additional time 2 minutes!

44' Rasheed's shot outside near the edge of New Radiant penalty area, goes out near the post

36' Izzath's shot deflected by Victory defender, ball hits the post and rebounced back, keeper was off position!

34' Niyaz headed Fazeel's cross freely inside the box, ball goes over the bar. Goal kick for NewRadiant

29' Niyaz's shot inside th box saved by keeper Sadun

28' Shinaz's weak shot saved by keeper Faisal

27' Navau's shot outside the box goes wide to goal. Goal kick for Victory

25' Izzath couldn't reach to Wright's cross inside the box, ball goes out!

19' Navaau headed the corner kick, ball goes out!

18' Shinaz sends a good ball to Izzath, Izzath couldn't shot properly due to pressure of Anil. corner kick for New Radiant

14' Fazeel's shot from the edge of the box punched out by keeper Sadun, Ismail tried to cross to Niyaz but he missed!

15' Abdulla clears Fazeel's cross for a corner, Fazeel's shot from Ismail's corner kick blocked by New Radiant defenders

7' GOAL! Shinaz scores from Wright's through pass while two defenders were inside the box, keeper faisal couldn't do anything to stop the ball

4' Anil's back pass goes out for a corner, Faisal caught Wright's corner kick

2' Jameel blocks Wright's cross for a corner kick, Anil cleared Shinaz's corner kick from the box

1' Adhuham missed Niyaz's high ball cross inside the box, Faisal cleared the ball from the box

0' Match kicked off by Victory; Fazeel and Adhuham kicked off the match

Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the Dhiraagu Dhivehi League match between Victory Sports Club and New Radiant Sports Club.