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Maldives U23
Hong Kong U23
Olympic Qualifying 2011
National Stadium
09 Mar 2011

90'+4' Match ends

90' Additional time 4 minutes given

76'  Shafeeu sent off with the second yellow card. He fouled to Hongkong player 

74' Adhuham's shot outside the box saves by keeper easily

62' Ifrah dived and punched out Lau Nim's cross, Maldives defenders left him unmarked inside the box

53' Rilwan's free kick saved by keeper, fantastic free kick

45' Second half kicked off by Maldives, Maldives brought two changes when they came out for the second half.

45'+1' First half ends

45'+1' GOAL! Lam Hok hei scores freely inside the box, defender couldn't clear Honkong's cross inside the box and Lam Hok got the ball freely inside the box, his shot hits the corner of the goal.

45' Additional time 1 minute given

34' Cheng King lost a great chance, his free shot inside the box goes too wide to goal. Goal kick for Maldives

29' Yellow card awarded to Adhuham, Unsporty actions between both teams, referee controls the situation

22' GOAL! James Stephen Gee scores easily inside the box after beating the defender, Maldives defense too weak to face Hongkong striking force.

18' GOAL! Lam Hok Hei scores for Hongkong...he shoots the cross taken to him inside the box to the corner of the goal

MSANALYST: None of the teams able to dominate the game

3' Latheef offside. Free kick for Hongkong inside Hongkong half

Maldives playing in full red jersey while Hongkong in white

Hongkong kicked off the game

Maldives lost the first game played in Hongkong by 4-0

Welcome to the Olympic Football Tournament 2012 Asian Qualifiers, Maldives vs Hongkong