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Victory S.C
Dhiraagu Dhivehi League
National Stadium
06 Apr 2011

90' Match ends

88' RAMEEZ shoots outside the box, ball goes out. Goal kick for Victory

84' PATRIK got the ball from ASSAD's mistake inside Valencia half, PATRIK's shot inside the box saved by keeper

79' MUKHTHAR shoots freely inside the box, keeper saved the free shot inside the box, MAMDHOOH sent the rebounced ball to net. flag up!

75' Free kick for Valencia near Victory penalty area, Free kick cleared by FIRAZ inside the box

66' GOAL! FAZEEL's one touch left footed shot hits the net while keeper also tried to stop the ball, Ball went under the keeper. MUKHTHAR took a nice cross after beating the defender

64' Another great miss by PATRIK, FAZEEL took a good cross to PATRIK, PATRIK's one touch shot inside the box goes out!

52' SHIFAN clears RILWAN WAHEED's corner kick from the box

51' Substitution for Valencia; SAHIR replaves by RILWAN WAHEED

51' ASSAD's indirect free kick blocked by defensive wall for a corner

50' SHIFAN lifts the feet too high while clearing Valencia's corner kick, Referee awards an indirect free kick for Valencia

49'Corner kick for Valencia, ASADHULLA shoots from SAHIR's corner kick,ball blocked by Victory defence for a corner

46' ARFIU shoots inside the box from FAZEEL's pass, keeper saved the ball

45' Second half of the game kicked off by Victory; FAZEEL and PATRIK kicked off

45' Substitution for Victory; ISMAIL SHAFEEU replaced by MOHAMED RASHEED

45'+1' First half ends

45' Additional time one minute given

41' PATRIK heads MUKHTHAR's cross nicely inside the box, ball goes over the bar. Goal kick for Valencia

36' MUKHTHAAR's shot from the edge of the box goes out!

33' FAZEEL delivers a good ball to PATRIK. Falg up!

23' MUKHTHAR beats two defenders and takes a nice cross to FAZEEL inside the box, FAZEEL's shot too weak, keeper caught the ball easily

22' FAZEEL nicely dribbles inside Valencia half and shoots outside the box, ball goes inches away from the post

18' ASSAD cleared the corner kick from the box

17' Corner kick for Victory, FAZEEL's cross clared for a corner by IMRAN

17' HAMDHAAN's corner kick too high for the players insidethe box

16' Keeper punches out ADIL's corner kick for another corner

16' Keeper FAISAL punched out MAHIR's free kick for a corner

15' SHAFEEU brought down RILWAN inside Victory half, free kick for Valencia

13' PATRIK's shot outside the box goes too wide to goal. Goal kick for Valencia

9' GOAL! Own goal from ASSAD. SOBAH headed SHAFEEU's free kick inside the box, ASSAD triedto clear the ball from the front of the goal but ball crossed the goal line while ASSAD controlled the ball

6' MUKHTHAAR beat the defender and takes a low cross inside the box, balh hits the net while IMRAN trying to clear the ball, Asst. Referee showed as an offside!

0' Match underway...Valencia's RAMEEZ and ASADHULLA kicked off the game