3 - 1
New Radiant
Dhiraagu Dhivehi League
National Stadium
12 Jun 2011

90'+2' Match ends

90'+2' SOLAH'S shot goes out. 

90'+1' SHAHEEM'S close range shot hits the cross bar, NIYAZ'S shot goes wide to goal

90' Additional time 2 minutes

87' SHAHEEM'S shot inside the box caught by keeper

85' Keeper saves CHARLE'S shot while two defenders were marking him tightly

84' BASITH'S shot from the right edge of the box goes inches over the goal

82' SOLAH could slightly head GITHUREES'S cross inside the box, ball goes out!

80' SHIYAM created a good chance for FASIR, SHIYAM passed to FASIR after beating the keeper, FASIR'S one touch shot goes over the bar

77' SOLAH takes a nice cross inside the box, keeper dived and saved the ball before HUSSAIN RASHEED reached to ball

75' GITHUREES dribbles inside the box alone, keeper came out and cleared the ball, flag up!

72' SOLAH and HAMEESH tries to penetrate New Radiant defence, HAMEESH'S double pass was too speedy for SOLAH...ball goes out!

69' CHARLE'S takes a nice low cross inside the box, BASIT couldn't reach the ball, ball goes out near the post

66' GOAL! HUSSAIN RASHEED slightly headed GITHUREES'S cross to the bottom corner of the net, keeper dived but couldn't touch the ball

63' SHIYAM heads NIYAZ'S corner kick from the edge of the box, keeper dived to save the ball!

59' GOAL! FASIR scores! FASIR beats the two defenders inside the box and sent the ball to the net giving no chance for the keeper to save the ball. CHARLES assisted!

58' HASSAN takes a good cross to New Radiant penalty area, SOLAH missed the ball inside the box

46' SOLAH'S left footed shot from the left edge of the box goes wide to goal

45' Second half underway, New Radiant kicked off the second half

45'+1' First half ends

45' Additional time 1 minute given

36' NIYAZ'S free kick straight to keeper's hand

24' GOAL! SHIYAM scores from the shot inside the box, ball went inbetween the legs of the keeper while he was trying to catch the ball. TOM assisted!

16' Keeper dived and saved FASIR'S free kick

15' Free kick for New Radiant near Vyansa penalty area, FAISAL fouls on TOM

10' FASIR dribbles inside Vyansa penalty area from the left side and shoots after beating three defenders, ball hits the post and reboucned back

2' GOAL! NIYAZ breaks the deadlock from a superb long range shot outside the box. FASIR passes the corner kick to Niyaz and he makes no mistake to beat the keeper. 

Vyansa kick off the game.

Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for Dhiraagu Dhivehi League Match between New Radiant and Vyansa.