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VB Sports
New Radiant
Dhiraagu Dhivehi League
National Stadium
18 Jun 2011

90'+4' Match ends

90'+3' GOAL! THARIQ scores comfortable from SHAHEEM'S cross, THARIQ'S one touch shot hits the net giving no chance for the keeper to save

90' Additional time 4 minutes given

87' HUSSAIN'S shot from LAREEF'S pass goes over the bar.  Goal kick for New Radiant

77' ASHFAQ shoots inside the box after beating two defenders, ball goes out over the bar

68' ASHFAQ shoots to net after beating JAMEEL, Referee awards a free kick for New Radiant inside their penalty area, ASHFAQ was fouled to JAMEEL before he shot to net

65' GOAL! THARIQ scores for New Radiant, He controlled WRIGHT'S cross inside the box and nicely takes the turn after beating the defender and shot to the bottom corner of the goal

60' Substitution from VB, ASHFAQ in for ASSAD

58' FAIROOZ sent off with the second yellow card, He brought down WRIGHT near the edge of VB penalty area, Free kick for New Radiant

56' SAEED takes a good shot from the middle of VB half, IMRAN punched the ball out, FASIR recieved the ball but flag up!

53' WRIGHT takes a good cross to VB penalty area, FASIR missed the ball VB defender cleared the ball from the box

49' NIYAZ'S shot outside the box goes wide to goal. Goal kick for VB

48' WRIGHT shoots from THARIQ'S cross, ball goes over the bar

46' ABDULLA cleared the corner kick from the box

46' Keeper ZIYAZAN punches out AMMATY'S shot for a corner

45' VB kicked off the second half of the game

45'+3' First half ends

45'+2' YELLOW card for HUSEYIN for appealing against referee's decision

45'+1' IMRAN saves THARIQ'S powerful header inside the box, FASIR took a nice cross

45' Additional time 3 minutes given

44' ZIYAZAN saves new radiant, ASSAD and ABU'S double pass beated new radiants defence, ZIYAZAN came out and caought the ball

42' THARIQ heads JAMEEL'S cross, ball goes off the target

40' Keeper saves ABU'S wonderful shot, He shot after controlling FARUHAD'S cross inside the box

37' YELLOW card for BAKAA for bringing down WRIGHT near VB penalty area

30' Substitution for New Radiant; MOHAMED SAEED replaces IBRAHIM SHIYAM, SHIYAM injured!

29' YELLOW card for FAIROOZ, He brought down WRIGHT as WRIGH beat him, Free kick for New Radiant

27' Keeper pucnhes out ASSAD'S shot inside the box, ISMAIL couldn't get the rebounced ball, New Radiant defenders cleared the ball 

26' WRIGHT beats two VB defenders inside the box and fell while beating the third defender, Referee awards a YELLOW card for WRIGHT

23' ABU taken out on the stretcher for first aid. Match resumes

21' Keeper ZIYAZAN and ABU Injured in a clash, ABU is recieving first aid now

20' ASHAD missed a great chance inside the box, He got the ball outside the box from ABDULLA'S msitake but JAMEEL blocked ASSAD'S shot later he shotthe rebounced ball, but goes over the bar

18' YELLOW card for ASHAD for fouling SHIYAM inside VB half. Free kick for New Radiant

15' GOAL! ABU shots from HUSEYIN'S free kick, ball hits the bottom corner of the goal

14' ASIF fouls on ISMAIL near New Radiant penalty area, Free kick for VB

9' JAMEEL cleared out ISMAIL'S corner kick, ASHAD fouls on JAMEEL inside the box,

9' NAFIU cleared BONDA'S cross for a corner kick

6' ABU'S powerful shot outside the box punched out by keeper ZIYAZAN, ASIF cleared the ball from the box

0' AMMATY fouls on WRIGHT, Free kick for New Radiant near the half line inside VB half

0' New Radiant kicked off the game

Both teams lined up for the match

VB's striker ASHFAQ in the bench in today's game. HUSSAIN SHUAIB wearing the captain band of VB today

maldivesoccer.com welcomes you for the match between VB Sports and New Radiant Sports Club