Dhivehi Premier League National Football Stadium 23 Jun 2015 |
Match ends...
Keeper Imran cleared the corner kick from the danger zone
Corner kick to Maziya, Umair to take the corner kick
Three minutes of added time
COrner kick to TC SPorts, Zaad to take the corner kick
Pablo's header inside the box went wide.
Santos fouls on Pablo in the defending half and referee gave a free kick to Maziya.
COrne kick to Maziya, Umair to take the corner kick
Shafraz's shot inside the box went wide..
COrner kick to TC Sports, Keeper Nishah cleared the corner kick from the danger zone
GOAL... Rafinha scores from the spot...
Penalty to TC Sports and Amdhan fouls on Nafiu inside the box. Rafinha to take the penalty
GOAL... Umair escape from the off side the trap and scores from a thunderbolt shot inside the box.
Corner kick to Maziya, Faruhad to take the corner kick
Second half underway...
First half ends...
Pablo controls the ball inside the box and shot it wide. Another miss chance from Pablo
Nizam's header inside the box went wide. Goal kick to Maziya
Free kick to TC Sports, Zaad's free kick deflected for a corner kick
Imaz's header inside the box goes straight to the keeper
GOAL... Pablo double the lead from a superb header inside the box from a well taken cross from Imaz from the left flank.
Umair puts the ball into the net from a descent cross from Nashid. but the flag was up against him.
GOAL... Imaz scores.. He controls the cross from chest and shot it into the far bottom corner of the net. Superb assist from Nashid.
Iwasaki fouls on Pablo in the defending half and free kick to Maziya.
Nafiu's shot just out side the box went wide.
KICK OFF, Maziya kick off the game....
Maziya's captain Asadhulla and keeper Imran will not play in this match due to injury
Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the match between Maziya and TC Sports in Ooredoo Dhivehi Premier League