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Dhiraagu Dhivehi League
National Stadium
06 May 2011

90'+6' Match ends

90' Additional time 6 minutes given

84' SHINAZ missed a great chance, SHINAZ got the ball freely inside the box, keeper came out and blocked the shot

77' SHINAZ's shot outside the box punched out by keeper

74' ZUBAIR's shot from the edge of the box goes out. Goal kick for Maziya

63' AYL keeper injured in a clash between him and RAHSEED, Keeper is now recieving first aid

54' NIYAZ takes a good cross to AYL penalty area, keeper caght the ball

45' Second half of the game kicked off by Maziya

45' First half ends

34' GOAL! RAHEED shoots at once to goal from NIYAZ's cross, Keeper tried to stop the ball but RASHEED didn't give any chance for the keeper to stop the ball.

33' Rain hits stadium

29' NIYAZ lost a great chance, NIYAZ came up with the ball and send the ball while keeper moved to ball, ball hits the post and goes out. RASHEED was all alone inside the box

23' GOAL! SUJAU's shot outside the box his the botton corner of the goal. YAMIN assisted!

16' Keeper punches out UMAIR's corner kick, AKRAM's shot goes over the bar.

16' UMAIR's free kick deflected for a corner by AYL defensive wall

9' NIYAZ sent a good ball to NISHAN. Flag up!

4' NIYAZ takes a nice cross, SHAFRAZ's header hits the post, NISHAN tried to shoot but he fouled

1' NASHEED takes a nice cross to Maziya penalty area, SUJAU attempted the ball, keeper caught the ball

0' AYL kicked off the match

Maziya lies on the fourth place while AYL on the 6th place of the table.

Both the teams are warming up on the pitch. Kick off time is 1610 

Before the kick off there will be a minute of silence in the memory of late Nafiu Rasheed, former General Secretary of Victory Sports Club. 

Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the Dhiraague Dhivehi League match between Maziya and AYL.