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Victory S.C
Dhiraagu Dhivehi League
National Stadium
15 Jun 2011

90'+3' Match ends

90' Additional time 3 minutes given

86' Victory's striker FAZEEL not seen on the pitch after Maziya's third goal

85' GOAL! RASHEED shot at once from NIYAZ'S cross, Victory defenders left NIYAZ unmarked thinking he was offside

84' Keeper FAISAL punches out AKRAM'S thunder bolt shot from the penalty area line

80' RASHEED heads NIYAZ'S cross inside the box, beautiful header goes over the bar

67' NIYAZ missed a great scoring chance, He got the ball when UMAIR fell down inside the box and he beats the keeper but his weak shot goes out near the post

56' GOAL! NIYAZ scores to an empty goal, keeper came out for the ball but he was beat by NIYAZ and sent to goal easily.

53' FAZEEL injured from Maziya player's tackle, He is now recieving first aid

47' Corner kick punched out by keeper

46' SHAFFAZ blocks NIYAZ'S cross for a corner kick

45' Second half kicked off by Maziya

45' First half of the match ends

39' UMAIR sent a good through ball to NIYAZ inbetween two Victory defenders, He couldn't beat the keeper and lost the ball. Flag was up!

33' Maziya defenders cleared MOHAMED RASHEED'S corner kick, SHAFFAZ shoots from the left edge of the box, ball goes over the bar

31' NIYAZ offside inside Victory penalty area, Free kick for Victory

24' AHMED'S shot from the right edge of the box cleared for a corner by FIRAZ

23' Corner kick for Maziya, NAFIU missed UMAIR'S corner kick, ball goes out!

20'ATHIF injured in a clash between SHAFRAZ. He is now recieving first aid

20' Keeper ATHIF punched out ASHFAN'S corner kick

17' GOAL! RASHEED levels the game for Maziya, UMAIR nicely heads Maziya's free kick to RASHEED and he headed to goal

13' AKRAM clears out ASHFAN'S corner kick

11' NAFIU'S shot outside the box goes wide to goal

10' GOAL! SHAFRAZ breaks the deadlock, FAZEEL very nicely crossed the ball to SHAFRAZ and he comfortably shot to goal giving no chance for the keeper to stop the ball

7' SHAFRAZ beats ZUBAIR and dribbles inside Maziya penalty area, He fell and AKRAM cleared the ball

0' Victory kicked off the game

Some changes for both the teams. Hassan Adhuham is in the starting line-up of Victory after leaving VB Sports and former Victory player Samuel is in Maziya's team list as a substitute player for this match. 

Maldivesoccer.com welcomes you all for the Dhiraagu Dhivehi League match between Victory and Maziya.